Let your dream house find you

Personalised property alerts from all the major property websites, all in one place. Delivered daily.

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All in one place

All the newest relevant properties, from the major property websites, delivered to you.

Time saver

At first property searching is fun. Then it gets tedious. Save time scrolling through multiple property websites.

Alerts straight to your inbox

All the newest properties sent direct to you. We'll tell you when there's something new.

Alert filters

Powerful filters to only alert on properties that match your specific search terms. Filter out the noise.


House hunting usually happens for weeks or months. Only subscribe when you need it. 1-click cancel anytime.

Multiple alerts

Don't just setup one alert - set up many. Applied to all the major property websites.

Now I won't need to keep track of five separate property websites each day. Huge time saver!

Gary A

Filtered property alerts will mean my next project will find me!

Deborah S

Will save so much time by not scrolling through properties I've already seen!

John C

Now I can sleep safe knowing I haven't missed out on a new property!

Kiani W

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Weekly alerts for one search.
Limited property sources.
No filters.

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Daily alerts for multiple searches.
All property sources.
Powerful alert filters.

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Frequently Ask Questions

Why Property Alerts?

How much time are you spending revisiting the same property searches in the hope that you haven't missed something?

Property Alerts aims to aggregate the newest properties from all the major property websites so you don't waste hours looking through the same results each day.

Input your search criteria (location, distance, etc), apply any filters (e.g. only properties with "project" in the description) and set your alert frequency.

Property Alerts will then start to send you the newest relevant properties from all the major property websites.

Not all alert systems are built equal.

Property Alerts Co makes available features that aren't available everywhere (e.g. powerful search filters) and most importantly, brings all data under from the major providers under one roof (or email).

Never miss a property again.

Hopefully you won't need to use this long to find your dream house. When the time is right, you can cancel with the 1-click cancel process. No drama.

We'd love to hear from you! Contact propertyalerts@cabdesigns.com.

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